Integrated Qualification System (IAS)

The system was introduced by the Act of 22 December 2015 on the Integrated Qualifications System.

The Act on the IQS organises the qualifications system in Poland and provides market entities with the possibility of flexible response to the changing demand for qualifications in the economy.

Starting from 2017, the documents issued by schools, district examination committees, chambers of crafts and universities must include a graphic symbol indicating the level of PQF of the given qualification. More information about the IQS

The graphic symbol of Polish Qualifications Framework

The graphic symbol indicating the level of qualifications placed on diplomas and certificates and other documents confirming qualifications included in the IQS since 2017. Designs of graphic symbols are defined in:

  • the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 13 July 2016 on the designs of graphic symbols informing about the Polish Qualifications Framework levels assigned to the full and partial qualifications included in the Integrated Qualification System and
  • the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 3 April 2017 amending the Regulation on the designs of graphic symbols informing about the Polish Qualifications Framework levels assigned to the full and partial qualifications included in the Integrated Qualification System and are available at

Translations of graphic signs in English, German, French, Russian, Spanish and Latin are available at:

PQF levels in graphic symbols are marked with Roman numerals for full qualifications and with Arabic numerals for partial qualifications.

Examples of documents containing a graphic symbol of the Polish Qualifications Framework (Annex)

The graphic symbol of the PQF may be placed only on the documents confirming the qualifications included in the IQS. These qualifications are included in the Integrated Qualifications Register (IQR). The IQR is a public register, available at

It contains information about all qualifications awarded in the system of education, higher education, as well as outside these systems, included in the IQS. The IQR includes important information about the required learning results, way of validating and institutions certificating the given qualification.

The following applications can be filed through the IQR:

  • for the inclusion of market qualification in the IQS;
  • for the right to certify qualifications;
  • for the inclusion on the list of entities to perform the function of external quality assurance.